Aka Some days are Diamonds, Some days are Stones (in the words of John Denver)
couple of days ago, I had a rotten, crappy, down, moody, growly, grumpy, plain
ole shitty day! A day where I woke
up feeling low and went downhill from there. You’ve all had one of those,
Original photo here: http://pastorhobbins.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/bad-day.jpg
the lovely voice in my head got started and made me get even grumpier and more
down on myself! I hated everyone and everything, especially myself! Then I
tried to talk myself out of the funk (you know how we do that – “You
shouldn’t feel this way, snap out of it already, stop being such a grumpy cow!”)
and the pressure of feeling like I shouldn’t have this bad mood or bad day made
me feel even worse!!
that, my friends, is the rub! I’ve encountered this a lot lately, people who
advise or think that all day every day should be rainbows and light. A lot of
the time the message is you should never have a bad mood or bad day, you should
change how you think about that person/situation, and take a lesson in love and
light and peace from every
situation! Blah Blah Blah!
I decided to speak out and admit that you know what, sometimes we have days
that just suck! Days where you’re in
a funk and you can’t immediately
learn from it or turn it around or make it all about peace and rainbows! AND THAT’S OKAY!
the lesson is to own your emotions,
to not beat yourself up because you’re down, to live in that moment and
acknowledge that yes, that person or situation has really pissed you off!
Because there is power and growth in this too! Owning your emotions is one of
the most powerful things you can do. And it is SO freeing! For myself, I gave
up trying to “snap out of it” and just allowed myself to feel down for a while.
I had a whinge to my husband and a couple of friends, and by the end of the
day, guess what? I FELT BETTER!
the end of the day, after chatting to a friend and having a long hot bath, I made
a conscious choice to have a positive thought in my head before I went to
sleep, and VOILA! The next day was
great! :D So don’t be afraid to feel down occasionally, it really is alright!
and Health,